
Triple Board-certified Expertise


Triple Board-certified Expertise

PDO Threads

Visible face and body lift with threads, not the knife!

Forget about going under the knife and painful surgery. A thread lift can give you the subtle yet visible body lift and face lift you want with minimal downtime. Loose skin is “lifted” with temporary sutures that stitch up portions of it. This pulls back skin, lifting and tightening. The threads provide an additional anti-aging benefit: they encourage the body's healing response, prompting the body to concentrate collagen in treated areas (this is important in several aesthetic procedures: “controlled healing” or “selective inflammatory response”). At Johns Creek Dermatology we offer the best thread lifts using NovaThreads in Johns Creek North Atlanta.

A non-invasive and low-risk treatment, NovaThreads are absorbable polydioxanone surgical sutures. Having been used successfully for more than 60 years in cardiac surgeries, the safety of NovaThreads is a well-established fact. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved, NovaThreads lift, tighten, and smooth the face and other areas of the body.

Over time the face loses its attractive and youthful V-shape because of aging tissues and gravity. The Nova-Mesh and the Nova-Lift technique creates a scaffolding that supports tissues and maintains the V-shape, or alternatively gently lifts tissue and repositions the skin to recreate the V-shape. Thread lifts are ideal for individuals in their late 30s to early 50s who have mild to moderate skin laxity and also for older patients who can’t undergo surgery for medical reasons.

NovaThreads can be inserted or injected practically anywhere with a few exceptions. Treatment is done by inserting a preloaded needle into the skin and leaving the thread under the skin when the needle is removed. This prompts the skin to begin repairing itself around the suture. Offering immediate results, NovaThreads provides long-lasting effects. The thread needs 4 to 6 months to be completely absorbed by the body and during this time lots of collagen is produced. This provides ongoing and progressive rejuvenation for the facial tissues. There’s a noticeable gradual improvement in the tone and firmness of the skin. A thread lift usually lasts one to three years.


What are NovaThreads?

• NovaThread PDO stands for Polydioxanone and this refers to the material used to make the threads used in the lifting procedure.

• Originally a suture material.

• Established for years from our experience with the same type of threads used in cardiac, plastic, obstetric, and other surgical sutures.

• This suture material is dissolvable.

How do they work?

• The principle behind PDO thread lifting is not simply about pulling the skin into a different position, but rather to stimulate the body’s natural reaction to a ‘foreign body’ – which is to produce collagen and improve blood circulation, contracting the tissue.

• As the PDO dissolves naturally over time a strong collagen bond result. 

• They are biostimulatory and entice your body to rejuvenate its collagen reserve.


How many types of NovaThreads are there?

• There are different types of NovaThreads.

• The fine threads (smooth or twist threads) are naturally broken down within the body over 6-8 months, although results naturally wear off over around 18 months.

• The Barbed threads last longer and produce a stronger more instant result. They are the workhorse of nonsurgical lifts.

•  We prefer the latest generation of NovaThreads 

• This generation of threads is more capable and safer that previous generations.


What do PDO Threads do?   

• Naturally improves skin elasticity and texture
• Reduce wrinkles

• Brighten skin tone
• Produce more defined facial contours

• Rejuvenating and lifting effect
• Cover prominent forehead veins
• Improve texture and tone


How many sessions do I need for threads?

• Our Dermatologist will discuss a plan with you and for you

• In general, 1-2 sessions are recommended. 

• Fine tuning is not unusual  

• And maintenance is rewarding every 1-2 years


What you need to know!

• Healing is relatively quick 

• You won’t look like a different person 

• The sutures are not visible

• The results are gentle but pleasing 

• Complimenting with dermal fillers and other cosmetics is ideal  

For more information visit www.novathreads.com

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