Measles and Skin: Recognizing Symptoms, Healing Stages, and When to Seek CareFinding the right dermatologist is about more than just expertise—it’s about feeling heard, understood, and confident in your care.
You might be wondering: Do they treat patients with my skin type and tone? Will they truly listen to my concerns? Will they take the time to explain my diagnosis and treatment options? Are they compassionate and patient-centered?
At Johns Creek Dermatology, we believe that every patient deserves expert care that’s tailored to their unique skin needs. Led by triple board-certified dermatologist Dr. Shereen Timani, our team combines cutting-edge diagnostics, innovative treatments, and compassionate care to provide solutions that truly work.
Whether you’re dealing with a chronic skin condition, looking for advanced treatment options, or simply need expert guidance, we’re committed to helping you achieve healthy, radiant skin with personalized care at every step.
At Johns Creek Dermatology, we see our patients as part of our extended family. That means:
• Longer consultations so we can truly understand your concerns
• Personalized treatment plans designed around your unique skin needs
• Shorter wait times and consistent follow-ups for better care outcomes
Our priority is your comfort, your confidence, and your results—all delivered with the expertise and warmth you deserve.
From medical dermatology to advanced skin treatments and preventive care, we offer a full range of expert services designed to help you feel confident in your skin at every stage of life.
Surgical Dermatology - Mohs Surgery
We proudly serve our patients across two convenient locations. As locals in Johns Creek and the Metro Atlanta area—and your neighbors—we bring years of award-winning experience and expertise in dermatology to families and friends, both old and new.
We are also proud to serve the community of Sandy Springs and Metro Atlanta at our LOCATIONS
These are only a few examples of the procedures we are loving now, and so will you. We are really looking forward to discussing your skin needs and finding solutions, together!
Measles and Skin: Recognizing Symptoms, Healing Stages, and When to Seek Care
I can't say enough about the amazing care I received from Anna, a PA at this office! Anna is not only incredibly knowledgeable...
Georginna Khammo
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